Leseliste Yoga

Yoga Philosphie:

Gandhi, Mahatma 1926: The Bhagavad Gita according to Gandhi, North Atlantic Books

Palm, Reinhard 2010: Der Yogaleitfaden des Patañjali Sankrit/Deutsch, Reclam

Mallinson, James and Singleton, Mark 2017: Roots of Yoga, Penguin Classics


Hatha Yoga:

Singleton, Mark 2010: Yoga Body, The origins of modern posture practice, Oxford University Press

Mallinson, James 2007: The Shiva Samhita, A critical edition and English translation, YogaVidya.com

Mallinson, James 2004: The Gheranda Samhita, The original Sanskrit and an English translation, YogaVidya.com

Swami Muktibodhananda 2012: Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Yoga Publications Trust


Standardwerke Yoga:

Swami Satyananda Saraswati 2012: Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha, Yoga Publications Trust

Iyengar, B.K.S. 1979: Light on Yoga, Schocken Books New York

Swami Vishnu-devananda 1988: The complete illustrated book of Yoga, Three rivers press New York New York



Iyengar, B.K.S. 2013: Light on pranayama, the definitive guide to the art of breathing, Harper Thorsons

Rosen, Richard 2002: The yoga of breath, A step by step guide to Pranayama, Shambala Publications Inc.



Frawley, David 2000: Ayurvedic healing, a comprehensive guide, Lotus Press 

Frawley, David 1999: Yoga and Ayurveda Self-Healing and Self-Realization, Lotus Press